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Super Essay
opus an Essay name also highly Tips Differences between Essays, Reports and Journals Super Tips Writing in an Appropriate Style Essays be unremarkably written to inform your glance overer astir(predicate) your position in relation to a particular sales outlet to argue for change or recommend action to analyse problems and present solutions to present and evaluate explore decideings Writing an quiz is an opportunity for you to develop new ideas and apply concepts and theories from your course.Youll develop a thesis (or position) and white plague reasoning and evidence to support your peak of view. A tertiary turn up is similar to essays youve written at unoriginal school, particularly those written in your last couple of years at school. However, t here(predicate) are nearly differences you need to be aware of Citing each(prenominal) the sources you use is extremely important. If you dont, youll be discredited of plagiarism, which is taken very seriously by the University. You cornerst iodine start out how to cite your sources and save seed angles in the Learning cerebrate Referencing leaflet. some essays will be longer than youve written at secondary school (most are between 1500 and 2500 crys) and will be worth a boastfully percentage of your semesters marks. Youll usually be expected to analyse issues at a deeper level than you did at secondary school. This vision has some multipurpose hints on how to analyse your essay root word, plan and spell out your essay. Steps in the essay writing process Although no two writers work in the equal elan, there is a cosmopolitan system that many goodish writers follow.This system involves following the step-by-step process outlined below. Skim done for(p) the main points now, and when you need to write an essay, check out the extra study active apiece point. 1. dissect the question underline key words put question into own words look for hints on social organization Brainstorm the question to take stock of what you al infery know 2. Learning colligate Super Tips/writing an essay www. rmit. edu. au/lsu February 2005 1 to implement you a focus for your reading to give you the reservoirs of a plan 3.Start your seek begin with general reading look for potential ways to structure your essay remember to record bibliographical details and page numbers of references as you go externalise the essay write take in the main points/arguments, preferably using a intellectual map write any secondary points and their relationship to the main points Continue your look into this is focused research, where you seek further learning about each of the main points/arguments create verbally most great deal find it easier to concentrate on the luggage compartment low, therefore the conclusion, followed by the introduction decide on a logical order for your points/arguments remember that each split up should contain one idea, which is stated i n the take sentence. Other sentences in the paragraph should explain, give evidence for and possibly give examples. concentrate on one point at a time, nevertheless in your final editing, make sure each paragraph is linked to the next expect to write several drafts dont worry about spelling, grammar, sentence structure or finding the mighty word until youve finalised the content of the essay. . 5. 6. Analysing the question Once youve selected your topic, you need to be sure you understand what it means in the lead you begin any researching or reading. A common problem is to make a quick assurance that you know what it means and whats expected of you. However, if youre wrong, even if you write a great essay, you wont get very high marks if it doesnt do what the topic says it will do. here are some strategies Underline or highlight the key content words or phrases and program line words (such as discuss, evaluate, analyse, etc. and make sure you understand them. Its easy t o overlook the kick words, but if you just describe something when youve been asked to analyse it, your essay is likely to get a few(prenominal) marks. Check here to make sure you know the meaning of each. Heres an example of the process Learning associate Super Tips/writing an essay www. rmit. edu. au/lsu February 2005 2 Essay topic relieve the double-binds that managers are confront with in hierarchical placements. The key content words are double-bind manager and hierarchical organisations. The direction word is explain. You probably think you already know what these words mean, but it pays to make sure youre non overlooking some part of the meaning. For instance, if you really think about these words, you might come up with these definitions Explain to analyse, focusing on the how and why of a particular issue to identify reasons, causes and effects to go beyond describing and summarising. ouble-bind a dilemma an argument forcing an opponent to choose one of two equally ba d alternatives a person conducting a business or institution manager a person controlling activities of a person/team hierarchical organisations an organised system, or find out of connected things or parts in some type of order such as order of importance. Re-write the topic in your own words. This is a utile way of checking whether youve really understood the question.For example, for the topic mentioned above, two possible ways of re-writing could be try out why and how the dilemmas come about that are faced by people who lead, guide and direct systems (organised with levels and ranks). rate the causes and effects of these dilemmas. Analyse the causes and effects of dilemmas faced by persons leading, guiding and directing ranked systems. Identify what concepts or ideas from your course apply to this topic (refer to your lecture or class notes and any another(prenominal) readings).Think about any controversies or arguments in relation to this topic (your lecturers or in structors will probably have referred to these). Write out a short statement giving your position on the topic. This may change after(prenominal) youve through with(p) some research and thought more about the topic, but if you do it at this symbolize its easier for you to keep focused. Write down applicable study about the topic. Make notes about the areas of the topic you need to research. Learning Links Super Tips/writing an essay www. rmit. edu. au/lsu February 2005 3 Write a possible outline of the essay.This is likely to change as you research the topic but its useful to think of the organisation of your essay even at this stage. Brainstorming the question Brainstorming is a useful process to find out what you already know about the essay topic. Get a large piece of paper and let your mind go write down anything that comes to mind when you think of the essay topic. Its important that you dont stop to think about whether what youre writing is relevant or not. The next step is to look at what youve written and look for the beginnings of a plan for your essay.At this stage you can cross out anything you dont think is relevant and, of course, tack other things you think of. Beginning your research Now you need to locate appropriate references. You need to basic read widely to get an overview of the topic, problem, issue or debate, then narrow your reading down to a few specific authors or key issues. You should find reference material in the library, in resources or bibliographies from your teacher or lecturer, and on the Internet. A word of warning when using the Internet, however check to see that the development comes from a reliable and reputable source.Remember, also, that the RMIT librarians can help you. Remember to make notes as you go, and to record all bibliographic information as soon as you make a note or photocopy. It can take weeks of backtracking to find out where you got that wonderful quote you need to use When you feel confide nt that youve read enough material, you need to develop a thesis statement. This is your position in relation to the topic. Its the operate force throughout your essay. Planning your essay An essay outline is like the skeleton of your argument.You can do this linearly (writing a list of main points with secondary points indented) or visually (for instance, drawing a mind map or other diagram). Whichever format you use, youll need to identify the main point your supporting points or elaborations the evidence youll use to support each point. Learning Links Super Tips/writing an essay www. rmit. edu. au/lsu February 2005 4 For an example of a linear and a mind map outline for an essay and the precedent essay that was developed from them, check out the Learning Links Sample Essay leaflet. Continuing your researchThis is the easy part of your research because you know what information youre looking for. Youve done your preliminary research and organised this information into an out line, and now your task is to find more information about each of the points on your outline. At this stage, as well as more information about points on your outline, you may find another point or two that you need to add. This is OK just reorganise your essay outline. Writing your essay Finally, you can begin writing. You dont have to write your essay in the same order that people read it.Sometimes you might find that writing the introduction first helps you to be spend a penny about the content and intention of the essay. However, at other times you might find that its better to write in this order Write the clay first (because this is the most important part) then write the conclusion (so you can sum up while your main arguments are fresh in your mind) and finally write the introduction (because sometimes its difficult to write it until youre clear about what it is youre introducing). This is the stage when you need to think of the writing mood.You need to write in an acad emic mode (check out the Learning Links Writing in an Appropriate Style leaflet) and you need to write clear paragraphs and sentences. Writing the body of the essay In the body of the essay, all the preparation youve done so off the beaten track(predicate) comes together. Follow the outline youve made already and write paragraphs with Main prognosticates bread and butter Points Elaboration Main Point Learning Links Super Tips/writing an essay www. rmit. edu. au/lsu February 2005 5 Write down one of your main ideas, in sentence form.If your main idea is private enterprise should not run normal utilities, you might say this The Longford Gas Inquiry revealed to the community the damaging consequences of private ownership of public enterprises. Supporting Point Next, write down each of your supporting points for that main idea, but leave four or five lines in between each point. One of your supporting points may be Private companies are obliged to run their operations in an ent irely different way to government. Elaboration You may find the visual outline useful here. In the space under each supporting point, write down some elaboration for that point.Elaboration can be further description, explanation, examples, support from research or preaching When the main point of an operation is to make a profit, efficiency and safety can be the first to suffer. A private company is not answerable to the Victorian community in the same way that the government is. Public utilities remain a matter of political importance even when they are privatised. You image out your body paragraphs in this way, and use joining sentences and quotations. Once you have fleshed out each of your body paragraphs, one for each main point, you are ready to continue.For example When the Kennett Liberal government came to power in 1992, it considered that part of its mandate was the privatisation of a number of public enterprises. The first utilities to be sold off were fluff and electri city. Although Esso had always operated a ordnance form at Longford, (near Sale in East Victoria) it had previously done so in partnership the government through the Victorian Gas and Fuel Corporation. Esso now ran the plant and supplied the heavy weapon through Vencorp, a private company that had replaced one of the delivery functions of the Gas and Fuel Corporation.On Thursday 24 September 1998 a series of explosions at the Esso Longford plant left two people dead and eight injured. The explosion left gas supplies at dangerously low levels, with the only gas available for consumers being what was left in the pipes. Victorians faced a crisis in terms of dwindling gas supplies and naturally enough turned to their government for leadership. Whilst the governments was able to invoke special powers to protect gas supplies, it was not in fact responsible for the continuing delivery of gas to consumers.In this paragraph, which would probably be the first body paragraph, we have introd uced our main point of privatisation, and sub-points of how that particular example worked. We have fleshed it out with factual information surrounding the situation, and closed the paragraph with reference to the explosion at Longford. In the second body paragraph which follows this one we might include a description of the explosion and its aftermath, and possibly why and how it happened Learning Links Super Tips/writing an essay www. rmit. edu. au/lsu February 2005 6Writing the introduction The introduction should be designed to attract the readers attention and give an idea of the essays focus. You need to set out clearly, concisely and forcefully your approach to, and interpretation of, the question as well as your point of view on it. You might wish to agree with part of the question but disagree with other parts. If so, make sure this is clear in your introduction. The introduction should also include a general full(a) outline of the more detailed arguments you will write ab out in the main body of your essay.Most introductions have information organised from the general (broad) to the specific (narrow). Introductions should include * A general statement introducing the topic * A thesis statement expressing your point of view * A statement outlining the areas and perspectives to be discussed * An outline of the organisation of the topic (optional) * Any definitions necessary for the reader to understand the topic (but if there are many, or if they need explaining at length, its better to do this in the next paragraph) Writing the conclusion A good conclusion should draw the arguments together and reinforce points made in the body of the essay.There is more magnetic declination in the contents and organisation of a conclusion than there is in an introduction. However, there are some features many have in common. A conclusion should remind the reader of the thesis of the essay render a summary of the main points and arguments point to the signific ance of your findings point out the implications of the issues not simply recur the introduction. contain no new material (i. e. it should not introduce any new points). Check the book of instructions for formatting and flair Learning Links Super Tips/writing an essay www. rmit. du. au/lsu February 2005 7 When you instal your final draft, its important to follow all of the instructions youve been given. Some Departments, Schools and Faculties have a style guide for student writing, or sometimes youre given a sheet at the beginning of the year with formatting and style instructions. If you havent been given any information, ask your lecturer or teacher if they or the department have any style preferences. Here are some style and formatting questions you should find out How big should the margins be? Is there an official cover sheet?What information (eg date, lecturers or teachers name, course number, etc) must you include? Should I type my lines? Should I put it in a folde r or plastic sheet? What referencing style should I use? Check your writing This is the stage when you need to review, edit and proofread so you can repair the way you present your ideas. A good way to do it is to read your paper when its finished and then put it away for a couple of days. Read it again and answer these questions Does it make sand? Is there a logical development of ideas? Do the sentences flow smoothly from one to another?If not, add some words to help connect them. Look at transition words youve used, such as therefore and however. If youve used the same transition words throughout your essay, check out some others you could use. Is your spelling, punctuation mark and grammar OK? corroborate you used the formatting requested by your lecturer or teacher? Have you used the referencing style expected by your lecturer or teacher? Have you checked your references list or bibliography to see that it is correctly formatted? Once youve checked your work, give it to someone else to read (preferably someone who isnt familiar with your topic).Other people often pick up the simple mistakes or typos such as writing and for an. When we read our own work, we often read what we think is there rather than whats in reality there. The final thing for you to do is to make sure you have another electronic copy as well as another printed copy just in case your essay goes astray. Learning Links Super Tips/writing an essay www. rmit. edu. au/lsu February 2005 8 These materials were produced by the RMIT Learning Skills Unit. For further information or comments please email judy. emailprotected edu. au Learning Links Super Tips/writing an essay www. rmit. edu. au/lsu February 2005 9
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